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Termes of use

Welcome to the “” website
(hereinafter, the “Website”).
The purpose of this Website is to provide information on the Employee Share Plan 2020, the L’Oréal employee shareholding plan. “L’Oréal” means the collective of companies comprising L’Oréal (French société anonyme) and the affiliated companies that are effectively controlled directly or indirectly by the said company, L’Oréal, and hereinafter called “L’Oréal entities”.
In accordance with the law, we recommend that you read these terms and conditions of use (hereinafter, the “T&Cs”), as well as any particular conditions appearing on the pages of the Website. Your use of the “” Website is subject to their compliance.
These T&Cs relate to the legal rights and responsibilities that apply to you from the moment you use the Website.
This Website is free of charge (except for fees relating to connecting to the Website) and for your personal use, subject to compliance with these T&Cs.
By accessing, visiting or using this Website, you acknowledge having read and understood these T&Cs and you agree to being bound by them and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree to these T&Cs, you must not use this Website.
You agree to access the information appearing on this Website solely for your personal use and not for any commercial purpose.
You may use the Website only for a legitimate purpose. Any use or misuse of the Website for purposes contravening public order and decency is forbidden.
The content of this legal notice may change. You are advised to consult it on a regular basis.

1. General information

This Website is the property of L’ORÉAL, a public limited company with a capital of 111 855 722,20 euros, entered in the Paris Register of Companies under number 632 012 100, and having its registered office at 14, rue Royale, 75008 – Paris, and its headquarters at 41 Rue Martre, 92117 Clichy (hereinafter, “L’ORÉAL”).

It is represented by Jean-Paul AGON.

Telephone number: +33 (0)1 47 56 70 00

The Publication Editor is Jessica GENG.

The Website’s content is hosted on the computer servers of CLARANET SAS whose registered office is located at 18-20, Rue du Faubourg du Temple 75011 Paris, and registered at the Paris Companies and Trade Registry under number B 419 632 286 – Commercial telephone number: 0826 007 656 - Support: 0810 278 385.

2. Disclaimer of liability and warranty

As a user of the Website, you acknowledge having the necessary skill and resources to access and use this Website.
L’ORÉAL and its contributors have made every effort to ensure the information appearing on this Website is accurate and up to date, while reserving the right to change the content at any time without notice. Nevertheless, they do not warrant that this information is complete or that it cannot be modified by a third party (computer piracy, virus). Nor are L’ORÉAL and its contributors liable (directly or indirectly) for any delays, errors or omissions affecting the content and use of the Website’s pages, or for any interruption or unavailability of the service.
You acknowledge having been informed that the Website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure, computer problems, complications relating to the structure of the telecommunications networks or other technical problems. L’ORÉAL may interrupt the operation of its Website for the purposes of maintenance. It will endeavour to notify users of this beforehand. L’ORÉAL is not liable for any delays, usage problems or any incompatibility between the Website and the files, browser or other program used to access the Website.
Under no circumstances may L’ORÉAL be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from or subsequent to the distribution of a virus by a third party through our Website, which could infect your information system upon the connection, use or browsing of the Website. Similarly, L’ORÉAL may not be held liable for any material or ancillary damage (including but not limited to technical faults, disclosure of confidential documents, loss of data), or for any indirect damage, occurring during or related to the use of the Website.
Subject to its right to correct the content at any time without notice, L’ORÉAL shall make every effort to ensure the information appearing on the Website is accurate and up to date. L’ORÉAL and its contributors do not warrant that the information contained on the Website is adequate, organized, accurate, free from error, truthful, up to date, of a fair and commercial nature, of quality, well-founded or constantly available; as such, under no circumstances may L’ORÉAL and its contributors be held liable for such information. Each user fully accepts the risks in relying on the information. Erroneous or incomplete information may occur due to typographical or formatting errors. If you notice any errors, please report them to us so that we may correct as appropriate.
The elements of the Website are supplied “as is” without any type of explicit or implied guarantee. L’ORÉAL categorically rejects any interpretation that could equate the Website’s content to an offer or inducement to purchase shares or other listed or unlisted securities of L’ORÉAL or those of any direct or indirect subsidiaries or affiliated companies.
L’ORÉAL may, at its sole discretion, modify any element of the Website. As part of its Website update and optimisation policy, L’ORÉAL may modify these terms and conditions.
Any dated information published on the Website applies only for the specified date.
The privacy of correspondence is not guaranteed over the network. It is the responsibility of every Internet user to take all appropriate measures for protecting their own data and/or software from being infected by any viruses on the Internet.
The Website gives access to the other websites of L’ORÉAL or companies of the L’ORÉAL Group. Such other websites may have their own legal notices which should be read and complied with.

3. Management of access codes and passwords

Certain services on the Website require an access code and password.
These access codes and passwords are confidential, personal and non-transferable. You are responsible for their management, safekeeping and the consequences of their use. You should take necessary precautions to ensure their protection and safekeeping. L’ORÉAL may not, under any circumstances, be held liable for any fraudulent use of them.
For security reasons, access to the secure areas will be automatically blocked after several failed attempts at accessing them. L’ORÉAL may suspend access to the Website in the event of a fraudulent use or attempted fraudulent use of a user’s access code or password. Where access has been suspended, L’ORÉAL will notify you of this event.
The registration of the user’s connection by the website’s information system will be proof of any act performed by the user on the Website, as well as proof of the processing of those acts.

4. Intellectual property

The Website in its entirety is governed by the French legislation on copyright, trademarks and, in general, intellectual property.
The brands and logos (semi-figurative trademarks) of L’ORÉAL appearing on the Website are registered trademarks. Any full or partial reproduction or representation, whether on its own or with other elements, is strictly forbidden unless expressly authorised in writing by L’ORÉAL beforehand.
The general structure, software, text, images, videos, audio, know-how, animation and, in general, all information and content appearing on the Website is the property of L’ORÉAL or is used under licence. These elements are covered by copyright law.
Any representation, modification, reproduction, full or partial distortion, of all or part of the Website or its content, by any means and on any medium whatsoever, is a violation of intellectual property rights and subject to the penalties stated in Articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
These T&Cs do not grant any user licence over L’ORÉAL’s brands, logos or photographs.
The databases appearing, where appropriate, on the Website are protected by the legal provisions on databases. In this regard, L’ORÉAL expressly forbids the reuse or reproduction of, or extraction of elements from the databases. The user will be liable for any unauthorised reuse, reproduction or extraction.
L’ORÉAL reserves the right to immediately delete without prior notice any content, such as messages, texts, images and graphics, which violate applicable laws and regulations, including the aforementioned legislation.
If you wish to use any item of the Website’s content (text, image, etc.), you must first obtain the express written authorisation of L’ORÉAL, either by writing to the address stated in the “Legal information” section or by sending an email to the webmaster.

5. Privacy policy

As a user of the Website, you must comply with the applicable legislation, including those legal provisions relating to information technology, records and freedoms, the violation of which can lead to criminal sanctions. In particular, you must refrain from any collection and improper use of personal data that you may gain access to. More generally, you must refrain from any act that may infringe the private life, reputation, sensitivity, brand image or fame of any natural or legal person, including L’ORÉAL; as such, you should avoid making any statement, message or text that is defamatory, inflammatory, malicious, disparaging or threatening on any medium whatsoever.

6. Personal data

The purpose of this Website is to receive personal data or confidential information from you limited to your participation to the ESOP Plan. As a result, any information, in any form (document, data, graphic, question, suggestion, idea, remark or other), which you provide on the Website will be considered confidential except to L’Oréal employees in charge of managing the ESOP Plan. By transmitting information to us, you grant us the right to manage your personal data for the purposes of processing your request relating to the ESOP Plan.

7. Cookies

Please read our cookie policy

8. Cautionary statement on forward-looking declarations

The Website may contain certain non-historic data that constitutes forward-looking declarations, including declarations on future events, trends, plans or objectives. Such declarations are based on the current views and assumptions of management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that may create a large difference between the real results and those explicitly or implicitly contained in said declarations (or previous results). Further information on these risks and uncertainties are contained in the documents L’ORÉAL has filed with the relevant authorities. The forward-looking declarations are presented on a specific date and L’ORÉAL is not obliged to update or revise them, even in the event of new information, future events or any other reason.

9. Miscellaneous clauses

Any assignment or other transfer of rights conferred by these T&Cs is strictly forbidden.
If, for any reason whatsoever, a competent court considers a provision of these T&Cs to be null and void, the invalidity of the provision will have no effect on the validity of the other provisions, which will remain in force.
The failure by either party to enforce a right or initiate legal proceedings under the terms hereof may not be considered a waiver such a right or legal action.
The Website is governed by French law. These T&Cs are governed by French law and must be interpreted accordingly.
