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PLAN 2024

Message by Nicolas Hieronimus

  • L’Oréal has always been very keen to share its success with you and give you the opportunity to unite closely with the future of the company.

    That is why, since 2018, three employee shareholding plans have been offered.

    We want to further strengthen this value sharing to as many people as possible by allowing everyone to invest at their own pace and become a shareholder of L’Oréal.

    This is why we have the ambition, from this year, to annualize the employee shareholding plan, thus offering the possibility to each L’Oréalian to invest in Group shares under preferential conditions, and thus support the development of the company.

Employee shareholding key figures

  • 1.5 million

    L'Oréal shares reserved for employees since 2018

  • 66

    countries since 2018

  • 1 out of 3

    employees are L'Oréal shareholders